Just a few notes...

Your gallery will be available for viewing for 7 days.  We would love to have your order in at that time so that we may begin the process of delivering your beautiful photos to you.  If you would like your gallery posted for an additional 7 days, a $35 extension fee may be applied to your print order.

Your purchased images will remain on file for one year. Unordered images will only be stored for 14 days from the date your gallery is published.  

To place your order, you can either send us an email with your list of selections, or use the ordering link at the bottom of this page.  To view the full list of items available, the price menu is linked below as well.

Once we've received your order, we will send you an invoice via email.  Orders will be submitted for processing once payment is received in full.  Cash, checks and all major credit cards are accepted.  

All images and content are copyright of Amy Smith and are protected by Federal Copyright Law.  Duplicating or copying in any way, shape or form is illegal (and not nice).  Please respect our livelihood and the care and attention given to each of your images by adhering to copyright laws.



So you've read all of that?  Really, truly, yes?  Great!  Then let's get on with the fun stuff.




Price Menu


Holiday Cards